Stormwater Minutes 2007 |
- Jan.10.2007
- Feb.7. 2007
- Mar.7.2007
- Apr.4.2007
- May.2.2007
- Jun.6.2007
- Jul.11.2007
- Sep.5.2007
- Oct.3.2007
- Nov.7.2007
- Dec.5.2007
I. Status of the Wagner Creek and Seybold Canal Dredging Permits and Corrective Action Plan -
Mr. Jose Lago , City of Miami Department of Capital Improvements, stated several members of the City’s administration have completed their respective review of the three firms submitted responses to the City of Miami’s advertised Request for Letters of Interest (RFLI) and subsequent RFI (Request for Information), to dredge Wagner Creek Phases III - V and Seybold Canal. Mr. Lago stated the administrators will meet on January 12 to reach consensus on the preferred firm to design and construct the Wagner Creek and Seybold Canal dredging project. Mr. Lago explained the City administration will then negotiate a contract with the firm in February 2007, which will be considered by the City Commission in March 2007. Mr. Lago asked Gary Fabricant about the City providing additional public outreach prior to the items consideration by the City Commission, and Mr. Fabricant determined it was too soon, considering the selected contractor hasn’t completed the project’s design and will provide public outreach services as a component of their project. Mr. Fabricant suggested continued public outreach via the MRC’s publicly noticed meetings, and questions may be addressed to Danette Perez, City of Miami , (305) 416-1286. The SSC thanked Mr. Lago for the progress report.
II. Update on the Adoption of the Wagner Creek TMDL – Ms. Waters stated the draft Wagner Creek Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) water quality parameters for Wagner Creek remains a awaiting final Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) review and approval. Ms. Waters added the FDEP Secretary is required to sign off on the TMDL adoption, and Gov. Crist recently appointed Mike Sole to be the new FDEP Secretary. Ms. Waters stated the City is awaiting FDEP’s final approval of the TMDL’s, prior to moving forward with creating a Basin Management Action Plan (BMAP) to identify means of reaching the TMDL water quality goals.
III. Status of WASD Smoke Testing of the Wagner Creek Western Sub Basin – Roy Strattman, DERM, stated he called Steve Blair, DERM, regarding selecting the next smoke testing basins to be conducted by the WASD. Mr. Evan Skornick, SFWMD, stated the $15,409 in SWIM funding will not become available until the SFWMD’s internal audit is completed, and the MRC’s contract is amended by adding the additional funding. Mr. Skornick estimated the amendment will take one month to execute after the audit is completed, and the SWIM contract expires in February, therefore the MRC would need to invoice the SFWMD before the end of February.
Mr. Lovett noted once the next City owned sub-basins are selected, they must be cleaned by the City of Miami ’s vacuum trucks 30-40 days prior to testing, in order to provide effective smoke testing. Ms. Dianne Waters, City of Miami Public Works , asked Mr. Lovette to provide her with the sub-basin boundaries when they are selected, and noted they are generally cleaned on a rotating basis. Dianne will check and see if the cleaning is possible but doesn’t see a problem. Mr. Lovett estimated additional storm water smoke testing would cost $4,000 - $5,000, per sub-basin, and take approximately one week per basin to complete.
Mr. Lovette noted smoke testing the sanitary sewer system only seeks sources of human based e-coli, and he recalls a report indicating that the majority of e-coli found in the adjacent water bodies are non-human based. Since the SWIM funding is for the general use in Wagner Creek, the SSC discussed additional potential effective uses of the funding, including but not limited to Scavenger De-Pollution vessel services and installing solid waste interceptors.
IV. New Business – The following items were addressed/discussed regarding previously MRC recommended improvements:
- Mr. Lovette stated he is looking into installation of a faucet at the new NW 2 ST riverfront pocket park. The faucet would be kept under lock for their maintenance crew to use for watering the site with a hose.
- The WASD agreed to meet with the two restaurant owners adjacent to Pump Station #1, to negotiate the terms of their potential use of the County’s adjacent vacant parking lot.
- Mr. Bibeau stated the renditions of the façade treatment for the WASD’s riverfront Pump Station #1, in a similar architectural fashion as the adjacent historic Scottish Rite Temple , were favorably received by the MRC, Greenways and Urban Infill subcommittees. Mr. Lovett noted $100,000 was currently available for the façade treatment to the structure. Mr. Bibeau provided copies of the sample façade rendition included in the Miami River Corridor Urban Infill Plan, and noted the rendition includes additional landscaping. Mr. Lovette suggested the MRC’s letter approving the façade treatment for the structure, recommend the additional landscaping.
- Mr. Bibeau asked if the WASD-owned parcel to the north west of Lummus Park could be incorporated into an extended riverwalk, using the remaining portion of the vacant parking lot for valet service from the adjacent restaurants. Mr. Lovett agreed to look into that suggestion, and asked that it be recommended in the upcoming letter from the MRC to the WASD.
- Mr. Lovett reported that the producer of “ Miami , Ink”, a national cable television show aired on The Learning Channel, whom is offering an in-kind donation of their artists to paint a mural on a blank wall adjacent to the riverfront Pump Station #1, during one of their episodes, is yet to submit the requested draft design of the proposed mural.
The SSC thanked the WASD and Mr. Lovett for their continued support.
The next regularly scheduled SSC meeting was confirmed for the first Wednesday of the month, February 7, 2007 , 10 am , Miami River Inn, 118 South River Drive , due.
The meeting adjourned. |
January 10, 2007 | THIS IS A PUBLIC DOCUMENT
The Miami River Commission’s (MRC) Stormwater Subcommittee (SSC) met January 10, 2007 , 10 am , at the Miami River Inn, 118 South River Drive , Miami , FL. The sign in sheet is enclosed. Mr. Brett Bibeau, MRC Managing Director, noted per the request of SSC Chair Ms. Sallye Jude , representatives from the City, County, South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD) and the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) will continue to rotate leading attendees through the agenda. Mr. Bibeau asked Mr. Jose Lago, City of Miami , to lead this month’s meeting. Mr. Lago kindly accepted.
I. Team Metro Melrose Presentation -
Mr. Bibeau noted Miami-Dade County ’s Team Metro Melrose, working in partnership with the Solid Waste Management Community Task Force, had previously requested to make a presentation regarding illegal dumping at today’s meeting. Mr. Bibeau noted they were unable to attend, yet added he had extended them an invitation to present during the MRC’s Urban Infill Working Group meeting on Tuesday, February 13, 2007 .
II. Status of the Wagner Creek and Seybold Canal Dredging Permits and Corrective Action Plan – Mr. Jose Lago , City of Miami Department of Capital Improvements, was unable to attend today’s meeting to present his progress report.
III. Update on the Adoption of the Wagner Creek TMDL – Ms. Diane Waters, City of Miami Public Works, stated the draft Wagner Creek Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) water quality parameters for Wagner Creek remains awaiting final approval/signature from the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) Secretary. Ms. Waters noted Mr. Fred Calder , the FDEP Watershed Planning and Coordination Administrator for the TMDL program estimated the new FDEP Secretary will formally adopt the new Wagner Creek TMDL by the end of February. Ms. Waters added that the Basin Management Action Plan will consist of a study to understand the sources of coliform and a list of current, proposed, and historical best management practices for reducing coliform loads. The study will determine whether statewide water quality standards are appropriate for Wagner Creek As part of the BMAP, Ms. Waters added the City will also initiate a monitoring plan for Wagner Creek. Mr. Bibeau stated perhaps the City may use DERM’s water quality testing results, taken from several testing stations in Wagner Creek as a component of the monitoring plan which FDEP is requesting from the City. Mr. Abdelrahman noted the State is slowly leaning away from calculating total coliform levels. Mr. Abdelrahman added he would reach out to the South Florida Water Management District to discuss potential future coliform studies. Ms. Waters noted FDEP will re-examine the TMDL every 5 years. Mr. Roy Stratman, DERM, stated the FDEP is requiring a TMDL for dioxins in Wagner Creek by 2011.
Mr. Abdelrahman distributed DERM’s “Third Quarter Miami River Basin Water Quality Improvement Report,” July-September 2006. Ms. Ashley Chase, MRC Assistant Managing Director, stated she had emailed SSC members a copy of the report several days prior to the meeting, and agreed to post the report online at www.miamirivercommission.org. Mr. Abdelrahman noted he did not include fecal coliform levels in his third quarterly report, but agreed to obtain that information for next month’s SSC meeting. The report, noted Mr. Abdelrahman, currently tracks total coliform, total nitrogen, total phosphate, total coliform, and turbidity levels in Wagner Creek, Seybold Canal and the Miami River . The SSC thanked Mr. Abdelrahman and DERM for the progress report
IV. Status of WASD Smoke Testing of the Wagner Creek Western Sub Basin – Mr. Rod Lovett , WASD, reported Steve Blair, DERM, had recommended the upcoming areas to be smoke tested by the WASD: between NW 17th and 19th Avenue, north of NW 20th Street and South of NW 28th Street. Mr. Bibeau asked if the $15,409 in potential SWIM funding would cover the recommended testing area, and Mr. Lovett replied he would provide an estimate to smoke test in the aforementioned area. Mr. Bibeau stated the MRC’s contract with the SFWMD hasn’t been amended to include the additional potential funding for smoke testing.
Mr. Lovett noted once the next City owned sub-basins are selected, they must be cleaned by the City of Miami ’s vacuum trucks 30-40 days prior to testing, in order to provide effective smoke testing. Ms. Dianne Waters, City of Miami Public Works , asked Mr. Lovett to provide her with the sub-basin timeline so that the City could look into potentially providing the aforementioned cleaning service prior to testing. Per Mr. Abdelrahman’s request, Ms. Waters noted she would check to see if the trucks operate on a routine schedule, and pinpoint the last time cleaning services were provided.
V. New Business – Ms. Waters noted the City of Miami recently held the “Florida Stormwater Erosion & Sedimentation Control Inspector Training”, sponsored and certified by the FDEP. Ms. Waters noted the City of Miami trained 15 individuals to become certified inspectors. Mr. Bibeau noted with nearly 4,000 units currently under construction along the Miami River , there are numerous development sites to inspect. Mr. Roy Strattman, DERM, noted that DERM and the City closely monitors the contractor’s compliance with de-watering techniques, while enforcing contractors to follow proper procedure and responding to citizen complaints. Mr. Bibeau asked if any warnings or citations had ever been issued along the Miami River , and Ms. Waters replied, to her knowledge, yes.
Mr. Lovette stated the WASD was considering installing a faucet at the new NW 2 ST riverfront pocket park, which would be kept under lock for their maintenance crew to use for watering the site with a hose. Mr. Lovett stated the WASD maintenance crew would mow the pocket parks new grass in the near future.
Mr. Lovett stated he had met with one of the two restaurant owners adjacent to Pump Station #1, because the other was unable to attend at the last moment, to negotiate the terms of their potential use of the County’s adjacent vacant parking lot. Mr. Lovett added that, per the request of the WASD, Garcia’s Seafood agreed to prepare a formal proposal for consideration, which would include terms for insurance, hold harmless, etc.
Mr. Bibeau stated the renditions of the façade treatment for the WASD’s riverfront Pump Station #1, in a similar architectural fashion as the adjacent historic Scottish Rite Temple, were favorably received by the MRC, Greenways and Urban Infill subcommittees. Mr. Bibeau noted he would provide a letter on behalf of the MRC approving the façade treatment for the structure and recommending the additional landscaping before next month’s meeting.
The SSC thanked the WASD and Mr. Lovett for their continued support.
Ms. Chase noted presentation of Agency Quarterly Reports in implementing the MRC SSC’s Miami River Basin Water Quality Improvement Plan will be on the SSC’s March agenda. The next regularly scheduled public noticed SSC meeting was confirmed for the first Wednesday of the month, March 7, 2007, 10 am, Miami River Inn, 118 South River Drive .
Meeting was adjourned. |
February 7, 2007 | THIS IS A PUBLIC DOCUMENT
The Miami River Commission’s (MRC) Stormwater Subcommittee (SSC) met February 7, 2007 , 10 am , at the Miami River Inn, 118 South River Drive , Miami , FL. The sign in sheet is enclosed. Mr. Brett Bibeau, MRC Managing Director, noted per the request of SSC Chair Ms. Sallye Jude , representatives from the City, County, South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD) and the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) will continue to rotate leading attendees through the agenda. Mr. Bibeau asked Mr. Rod Lovett , Miami-Dade Water & Sewer Department, to lead this month’s meeting. Mr. Lovett accepted.
I. Presentation of Agency Quarterly Reports -
Mr. Omar Abdelrahman, DERM, noted he had distributed DERM’s “Third Quarter Miami River Basin Water Quality Improvement Plan - Quarterly Progress Report” (July-September 2006), during last month’s SSC meeting. Mr. Abdelrahman added that, per the request of the SSC at the February meeting, he included a graph that measured fecal coliform levels, and would email the revised report to the SSC.
Mr. Jose Lago , City of Miami Department of Capital Improvements, and Ms. Diane Waters, City of Miami Public Works Department, presented the City of Miami’s “Miami River Basin Water Quality Improvement Plan - Quarterly Progress Report” (January 1, 2007-March 31, 2007). The report is available online at www.miamirivercommission.org. The following are some of the reports presented items:
- The storm water system retrofitting in project in Pinehurst was recently completed, costing $2 million, of which $1.2 million was from the SFWMD. The new system contains catch basins and pollution retardant structures.
- The design for the stormwater system rebuilding in Downtown is 80% complete. The design commenced in February 2005 and is anticipated to be completed in May 2007, followed by construction November 2007 – May 2008. Estimated project cost is $3.5 million, and currently there is $671,495 available.
- In June 2006 the City of Miami advertised a Request for Letters of Interest (RFLI), to design and construct the Wagner Creek / Seybold Canal dredging project, and three firms responded. The City Commission will consider the administrations recommendation for design, permitting and testing only, and perhaps for a portion of the total project boundary if sufficient funding isn’t available in May 2007. The City Commission will subsequently consider a separate item, for the actual dredging, after May 2007. The previous design for the project, created by CES, Inc., and funded by the City of Miami , may not be used, rather provided to the new design firm as background information.
- Scavenger De-Contamination Vessel – Services include removal of floatable debris, oxygenation, and decontamination of Miami River water. Current annual allocated budget is $200,000 through City funds with an additional $100,000 from Miami-Dade County , for a grand total $300,000. This is an on-going project and the contract expires in July 2007.
- Report of on-site storm water treatment alternatives and BMP’s - Texas Aquatic Harvesting continues citywide canal cleaning and maintenance. C3TS has been contracted to perform inspection services for this project; Waterways where cleanup has taken place include Wagner Creek, Seybold Canal , Lawrence Waterway, and the Comfort Canal . Mr. Bibeau thanked the City of Miami for contracting a firm to cleanup and maintain the canals, and inquired if the tree stumps left behind after the trees were cur down would be removed. Mr. Lago stated the stumps might have been left behind because the root systems provide an element of shoreline stabilization, which may be jeopardized if removed. Mr. Abdelrahman concurred, adding that removal of the stumps may cause discharges into the canals.
II. Status of the Wagner Creek and Seybold Canal Dredging Permits and Corrective Action Plan –
Mr. Lago addressed this topic in Agenda Item I.
III. Update on the Adoption of the Wagner Creek TMDL – Ms. Waters reported the new Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) is yet to execute the final draft TMDL for Wagner Creek.
IV. Status of WASD Smoke Testing of the Wagner Creek Western Sub Basin – Mr. Abdelrahman noted DERM had met with Mr. Juan Bedoya, WASD, and conducted site visits to select the next areas of the Wagner Creek water basin for smoke testing. Ms. Lucy Perez, SFWMD, stated their existing contract with the MRC is yet to be amended to add the $15,409 in potential 1998 SWIM funding to cover the aforementioned smoke testing, since the SFWMD has yet to complete its internal audit, which includes the potential SWIM funding. Ms. Perez noted Mr. Evan Skornick, SFWMD, is aware their SWIM funding contract with FDEP expires this month, and is therefore seeking a time extension.
Mr. Abdelrahman asked Ms. Perez if the SFWMD would consider funding stormwater system bacteria testing a.k.a. “source tracking,” a form of testing identifying human and non-human sources of coliform bacteria. Mr. Abdelrahman noted “source tracking” is a costly technique, ranging from $300 - $500 per collected sample, with 10 samples taken at 50 locations. Mr. Abdelrahman agreed to email his request for the SFWMD to provide funding for “source tracking” to Ms. Perez. Ms. Waters stated that the City would like to be involved in selecting testing locations in the event funding is obtained for microbial source tracking for Wagner Creek. Ms. Perez stated upon her receipt of the e-mailed request, she would forward it to the appropriate SFWMD administration, noting the Miami-Dade Service Center had already submitted their FY ’08 budget request to the regional SFWMD offices.
V. New Business-The following items were addressed/discussed:
- Mr. Bibeau stated the MRC had executed the City Commission approved $75,000 contract renewal, and returned it to Elyrosa Estevez, City of Miami , for final City signatures. MRC staff thanked the City of Miami . MRC staff noted they had received the City’s request for information to submit in reply to the FDEP’s requirements for the NPDES permit, similar to last year. MRC staff stated they will compile the information and attachments, and provide them to the City Public Works Department before the end of the month.
- MRC staff distributed the MRC’s 2006 Annual Report, which includes a report from the Stormwater Subcommittee’s Chairs, outlining the accomplishments in 2006. MRC staff thanked all of the environmental agencies for their continued implementation of the MRC’s Miami River Basin Water Quality Improvement Report.
- MRC staff distributed flyers for the 11th Annual Miami Riverday Festival which will be held on Saturday, March 24, 2007 , 11 am to 5 pm at Jose Marti Park . Mr. Bibeau noted all sponsors and environmental agencies are provided a free 10 x 10 tent, table and chairs. Ms. Chase noted the SFWMD and City had confirmed use of their informational booths, and Mr. Strattman stated he would reach out to Ms. Ivy Brown, DERM, to see if DERM would participate once again.
The next regularly scheduled public noticed SSC meeting was confirmed for the first Wednesday of the month, April 4, 2007 , 10 am , Miami River Inn, 118 South River Drive .
Meeting was adjourned. |
The Miami River Commission’s (MRC) Stormwater Subcommittee (SSC) met March 7, 2007 , 10 am , at the Miami River Inn, 118 South River Drive , Miami , FL. The sign in sheet is enclosed. Mr. Brett Bibeau, MRC Managing Director, noted per the request of SSC Chair Ms. Sallye Jude , representatives from the City, County, South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD) and the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) will continue to rotate leading attendees through the agenda. Mr. Bibeau asked Mr. Roy Strattman, Miami-Dade Department of Environmental Resource Management (DERM), to lead this month’s meeting. Mr. Strattman accepted.
I. Team Metro Melrose Presentation -
The SSC welcomed Ms. Dany Berthold-Moise, Public Outreach Supervisor Team Metro Melrose, whom provided a brief overview of her organization and its responsibilities. Ms. Berthold-Moise invited the SSC to the Melrose “Triangle Cleanup,” an event sponsored by Team Metro Melrose and the Department of Solid Waste Management as part of its 9th Annual Pride Week (April 21-April 28) celebration. The “Triangle Cleanup,” noted Ms. Berthold-Moise, would take place on Tuesday, April 24, 9:30 am-3:30 pm, b/w Northwest 39th St & Northwest 26th St. , from South River Drive to NW 37th Ave. Ms. Berthold-Moise thanked the Miami River Commission for providing Team Metro Melrose with an upcoming Miami River boat tour to increase public awareness and education along the river corridor. The SSC thanked Ms. Berthold-Moise for her presentation.
II. Status of the Wagner Creek and Seybold Canal Dredging Permits and Corrective Action Plan –
Mr. Jose Lago , City of Miami Department of Capital Improvements, noted the City of Miami had met with the consultants, whom had responded to the advertised Request for Letters of Interest (RFLI) to design and construct the Wagner Creek / Seybold Canal dredging project, on February 27-28-March 1, 2007. Mr. Lago stated the City had received the firms’ scope of services for the project, which are currently under review. Mr. Lago stated that the City Commission will consider the administration’s recommendation for design, permitting and testing only- perhaps for a portion of the total project boundary if sufficient funding isn’t available- in May/June2007. Mr. Lago added that the City Commission will subsequently consider a separate item, for the actual dredging, after May 2007, if sufficient funding is available.
III. Update on the Adoption of the Wagner Creek TMDL – On behalf of Ms. Diane Waters, City of Miami Public Works, Mr. Lago stated that The Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) had yet to execute the final draft TMDL for Wagner Creek. Mr. Lago noted that the City of Miami Public Works Department had recently provided FDEP with information regarding TMDLs and the NPDES program.
IV. Status of WASD Smoke Testing of the Wagner Creek Western Sub Basin – Mr.Abdelrahman noted DERM had met with Mr. Juan Bedoya and Mr. Roy Patrick, WASD, and conducted site visits to select the next areas of the Wagner Creek water basin for smoke testing. Mr. Rod Lovett , WASD, noted the county manager had curtailed all overtime work due to a “budget crunch” in the department. Mr. Lovett explained he would need to seek permission from Deputy Director Joe Ruiz in order to issue a Notice to Proceed for future smoke testing.
Mr. Lovett stated the WASD implemented the MRC’s recommendation to plant a flowering hedge to facade their facility along NW 5 ST and NW 7 Ave (across the street from the recently opened Tuscan Place affordable housing development). Mr. Lovette noted a sprinkler system had been installed in order for the new flowering hedge to grow into a larger aesthetic buffer.
Mr. Lovett noted the WASD removed the fence and cleared their riverfront easement located on NW South River Dr. & NW 2 ST, in order for the MRC and Hands on Miami volunteers to create a pocket park on November 4, 2006. Mr. Lovett added the WASD currently maintains their ownership of the park.
Mr. Lovette stated the WASD was considering installing a faucet at the new NW 2 ST riverfront pocket park, which would be kept under lock for their maintenance crew to use for watering the site with a hose. Mr. Lovett stated the WASD maintenance crew would mow the pocket parks new grass in the near future.
Mr. Lovett stated he had met with one of the two restaurant owners adjacent to Pump Station #1 to negotiate the terms of their potential use of the County’s adjacent vacant parking lot. Mr. Lovett added that, per the request of the WASD, Garcia’s Seafood had prepared a formal proposal for consideration, which would include terms for insurance, hold harmless, etc, which had been forwarded to the WASD’s legal department for review.
Mr. Chase stated the renditions of the façade treatment for the WASD’s riverfront Pump Station #1, in a similar architectural fashion as the adjacent historic Scottish Rite Temple , were favorably received by the MRC, Greenways and Urban Infill subcommittees. Mr. Lovett noted the WASD had not received a letter on behalf of the MRC approving the façade treatment for the structure and recommending the additional landscaping. Ms. Chase agreed to forward that request.
Ms. Chase asked Ms. Lucy Perez, SFWMD, if the existing contract with the MRC had been amended to add the $15,409 in potential 1998 SWIM funding to cover the aforementioned smoke testing. Ms. Perez noted she did not have an update regarding this matter, but would forward all questions to Mr. Evan Skornick .
Mr. Abdelrahman noted he had yet to reach out to the SFWMD to discuss funding for stormwater system bacteria testing a.k.a. “source tracking,” a form of testing identifying human and non-human sources of coliform bacteria. Mr. Abdelrahman noted “source tracking” is a costly technique, ranging from $300 - $500 per collected sample, with 10 samples taken at 50 locations. Mr. Lovett asked if Wagner Creek would be included as a possible sampling area, and Mr. Abdelrahman replied yes.
V. New Business - Ms. Chase gave Mr. Lago the executed $75,000 City of Miami/MRC contract renewal, and asked that he return it to Ms. Elyrosa Estevez, City of Miami , for final City signatures. MRC staff thanked the City of Miami and noted the required information and attachments the City requested as part of their NPDES Permit Application issued by the FDEP, was submitted in March.
Mr. Abdelrahman distributed a graph that measured fecal coliform levels, at testing locations with the Miami River water basin, per the request of the SSC at the February meeting during his presentation of DERM’s “Third Quarter Miami River Basin Water Quality Improvement Plan - Quarterly Progress Report” (July-September 2006).
The next regularly scheduled public noticed SSC meeting was confirmed for the first Wednesday of the month, May 2, 2007 , 10 am , Miami River Inn, 118 South River Drive .
Meeting was adjourned.
The Miami River Commission’s (MRC) Stormwater Subcommittee (SSC) met April 4, 2007, 10 am, at the Miami River Inn, 118 South River Drive , Miami, FL. The sign in sheet is enclosed. Ms. Ashley Chase, MRC Assistant Managing Director, noted per the request of SSC Chair Ms. Sallye Jude, representatives from the City, County, South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD) and the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) will continue to rotate leading attendees through the agenda. Ms. Chase asked Mr. Omar Abdelrahman, Miami-Dade Department of Environmental Resource Management (DERM), to lead this month’s meeting. Mr. Abdelrahman accepted.
I. Status of the Wagner Creek and Seybold Canal Dredging Permits and Corrective Action Plan-
Ms. Ashley Chase, MRC Assistant Managing Director, noted Mr. Jose Lago , City of Miami Department of Capital Improvements, was unable to attend today’s meeting, but had respectfully requested that the “Wagner Creek & Seybold Canal Dredging Project Status Update” be read into the record. Ms. Chase read the status update into the record and agreed to forward it to all SSC meeting attendees:
“This project consists of the dredging for Wagner Creek and the Seybold Canal . Bank stabilization will also be included for Wagner Creek only. In an effort to complete all necessary design work, permitting and dredging for this project, the City will be selecting a new environmental professional to remediate the creek through a Competitive Negotiation Process. This process commenced in June 2006 and the City received responses from various firms. Through this process, the City expects to recommend one firm for Commission approval in the June 2007 Commission agenda for the design and permitting components of the entire length of both canals. A Notice to Proceed (NTP) for the design and permitting of both canals is expected to be issued to the selected firm in July 2007. Since more specific details (i.e. surveying and geotechnical testing) about the project will be defined during the design phase, than during the design phase the selected firm will be requested to submit another fee proposal for the dredging only. (Note: Subsequent to design and permitting completion, the City will determine what longitude of Wagner Creek and Seybold Canal can be dredged based on the City’s available funding for this project.) This dredging proposal will also require City Commission approval. The City does not have a date for this activity at this time. The current estimated budget for this project is approximately $ 5.5 million. An estimated construction cost for this project has not been determined at this time. The City will continue to seek additional funds for this project. The project limits are along Wagner Creek between N.W. 20th Street and N.W. 11th Street and along Seybold Canal between N.W. 11 Street to the Miami River .
For questions or more details about these projects, please contact Jose L. Lago, P.E., Project Manager, at (305) 416-1252.”
On behalf of the Miami River Commission, Mr. Bibeau offered his assistance in seeking additional funding for the project. Mr. Bibeau welcomed Spring Garden resident Mr. Charlie Hand to the meeting. Mr. Hand asked what longitude of Wagner Creek & Seybold Canal would be dredged, and Mr. Bibeau replied that, according to Mr. Lago’s update, the City would determine what longitude can be dredged based on available funding for the project.
Mr. Charlie Hand, a homeowner of a property on the Seybold Canal , expressed his frustration with the lack of progress on the Wagner Creek & the Seybold Canal Dredging project. Mr. Hand noted that it had been four years since the City had hosted a public hearing concerning the project, and nearly two years since the Miami City Commission had issued a 45-day mandate to derive an “Action Plan” towards dredging Wagner Creek and the Seybold Canal . Mr. Hand added that both instances had yet to yield any positive results thus far, and inquired why the process to select a reputable firm to complete the
project has taken so long. Mr. Hand stated he had tried to reach out to Mr. Jose Lago on numerous occasions to receive information regarding the status of the project, but to no avail. Ms. Diane Waters, City of Miami Public Works Department , suggested that he contact Ms. Dannette Perez, City of Miami Public Information Officer, to receive future updates.
II. Update on the Adoption of the Wagner Creek TMDL – Ms. Diane Waters, City of Miami Public Works, stated The Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) had yet to execute the final TMDL for Wagner Creek. Ms. Waters and Mr. Roy Strattman , Miami-Dade Department of Environmental Resource Management (DERM), noted the City of Miami Public Works Department and DERM have exchanged information with FDEP regarding TMDLs and the NPDES program.
III. Status of WASD Smoke Testing of the Wagner Creek Western Sub Basin – Mr. Strattman noted Mr. Omar Abdelrahman, DERM, was on vacation, and was therefore unable to attend today’s meeting. Mr. Strattman added that prior to proceeding with additional smoke testing, consideration should be given to genetic source track testing. Mr. Abdelrahman had reported last month that genetic testing ranges from $300 - $350 per collected sample, with 10 samples taken at 50 locations.
Ms. Perez stated the SFWMD remains considering the use of 1998 SWIM funding allocated for efforts within Wagner Creek. Ms. Waters noted the City has no objection to utilizing SWIM funding to install new solid waste interceptors or conduct genetic testing. Mr. Hand suggested using the funding for the Scavenger 2000 De-pollution vessel services, and recommended increased use of the vessel.
Mr. Hand asked if smoke testing has proved to be an effective technique, and Mr. Bibeau replied smoke testing has been successful in pinpointing minor defects within the Wagner Creek water basin, which were repaired. Mr. Bibeau added that a recent TMDL workshop concluded there is an extremely high e-coli count in dog feces. With thousands of new residential created along the river, bag dispensers for dog owners to collect waste would decrease this e-coli source from entering the water basin.
IV. New Business-
- Mr. Bibeau thanked the City for planning to renew its $200,000 contract for the Scavenger 2000 de-pollution vessel, and thanked the County for providing its first $100,000 contribution towards its services along the Miami River
- Ms. Waters thanked the MRC for its response to the City of Miami information request for Permit Year 3 of the City of Miami ’s National Pollutant Discharge Elimination Systems Permit, issued by FDEP. Ms. Waters stated she had sent an e-mail earlier in the day to MRC staff requesting additional information. MRC staff agreed to provide her with the additional requested information.
- Mr. Bibeau distributed a resolution authorizing the City of Miami to dredge the Comfort Canal , and thanked the City for its efforts.
The next regularly scheduled public noticed SSC meeting was confirmed for the first Wednesday of the month, June 6, 2007 , 10 am , Miami River Inn, 118 South River Drive .
Meeting was adjourned. |
The Miami River Commission’s (MRC) Stormwater Subcommittee (SSC) met May 2, 2007 , 10 am , at the Miami River Inn, 118 South River Drive , Miami , FL. The sign in sheet is enclosed. Mr. Brett Bibeau, MRC Managing Director, noted per the request of SSC Chair Ms. Sallye Jude , representatives from the City, County, South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD) and the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) will continue to rotate leading attendees through the agenda. Ms. Ashley Chase, MRC Assistant Managing Director, asked Ms. Lucy Perez, South Florida Water Management District, to lead this month’s meeting. Ms. Perez accepted.
I. Status of the Wagner Creek and Seybold Canal Dredging Permits and Corrective Action Plan -
Mr. Jose Lago, City of Miami Department of Capital Improvements, reported in July 2007 the City Commission will consider the administration's recommended company which replied to their requests, originally advertised in June 2006, for the Wagner Creek & Seybold Canal Dredging Project. Mr. Lago noted City of Miami department administrators had met with City Manager Pete Hernandez last week to review responses and discuss recommendations for the project. Mr. Lago noted the City administration expects to recommend one firm for Commission approval at the July 2007 Miami City Commission meeting for the design and permitting components of the entire length of both canals. Mr. Lago added a Notice to Proceed (NTP) for the design and permitting of both canals is expected to be issued to the selected firm in Sept. 2007.
Ms. Sallye Jude , MRC, asked why the project has taken considerable time to come to fruition, and Mr. Lago replied that the dredging of Wagner Creek & Seybold Canal is a sensitive, detailed project and therefore required much attention in relation to justifying recommendations and methodologies. Mr. Lago stated he realized the current estimated timeline is a delay from the report he provided for the SSC's May 2, 2007 meeting, which indicated the City Commission would consider the recommended in firm by June 2007, and issue the notice to proceed by July 2007. Mr. Lago suggested that future concerns and/or questions regarding this phase of contracting the project be directed to Ms. Dannette Perez, City of Miami Capital Improvement Department Public Information Officer , whom may be reached at (305) 416-1286. Mr. Lago clarified he will become the project's manager after the NTP is issued.
II. Update on the Creation of the Wagner Creek Basin Management Action Plan (BMAP) – Ms. Diane Waters, City of Miami Public Works, stated The Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) adopted the final Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) for Wagner Creek on April 10, 2007, but had yet to post the report on their website. Ms. Waters noted the final TMDL sets a fecal coliform load reduction for Wagner Creek based on fecal coliform levels.
Mr. Abdelrahman noted the State is slowly considering changing from measuring a total coliform standard to an enterococci standard in the future. Mr. Abdelrahman noted the State has been testing and reporting for total coliform levels for over 20 years, and would need to undergo a process to consider any changes to current measurement standards. Mr. Abdelrahman added the County's current adopted standard measures total coliform as well, yet if the State changed to measuring enterococci, the County would consider it as well. Ms. Jude asked what was the general difference between measuring total coliform levels vs. enterococci, and Mr. Abdelrahman replied that total coliforms do not survive well in salt water, thereby effecting testing results, while measuring enterococci is more specific.
Mr. Bibeau asked now that FDEP has formally adopted the Wagner Creek TMDL water quality standard, has an estimated timeline been established for the process to create and adopt a Basin Management Action Plan, (BMAP) to achieve the water quality standards set in the TMDL. Ms. Waters stated the City of Miami Public Works department does not have an estimated timeline for the creation of a BMAP. Ms. Waters added the City will consider what they are currently doing to achieve desired water quality standards, and possibly consider increasing those activities. Mr. Bibeau asked if DERM has a role in the creation of the Wagner Creek BMAP. Mr. White, DERM, stated the agency with responsibility for a water body is responsible to create a BMAP for that water body, consistent with FDEP guidelines, and noted the City of Miami is responsible for Wagner Creek, therefore the City of Miami is the lead agency to create the Wagner Creek BMAP.
III. Status of WASD Smoke Testing of the Wagner Creek Western Sub Basin – Mr. Abdelrahman stated if the potential SFWMD funding remains available, he recommends the SSC should proceed with smoke testing the next Wagner Creek sub-basins, which were identified by Steve Blair, DERM. Ms. Lucy Perez, South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD), stated their existing contract with the MRC is yet to be amended to add the $15,409 in potential 1998 SWIM funding to cover the aforementioned smoke testing, since the SFWMD has yet to complete its internal audit.
Mr. Bibeau asked Mr. Abdelrahman if he had an update regarding his suggestion to consider conducting “source tracking” to identify coliform bacteria sources. Mr. Abdelrahman noted DERM will need to look into external funding sources and available grant opportunities. Mr. Bibeau suggested DERM provide a plan for an effective “source tracking” pilot program, including information such as the number of samples, sites, frequency and estimated costs, which the MRC SSC may consider seeking appropriate grant funding sources.
IV. New Business- Ms. Waters noted the City of Miami 's Department of Solid Waste performs nightly collection from the City of Miami pedestrian litter containers along City of Miami owned sections of the Miami River Greenway.
- Mr. Bibeau asked Ms. Waters is she had received the requested information from MRC staff for the City of Miami's National Pollutant Discharge Elimination Systems Permit (issued by FDEP), and she replied yes and to her knowledge the most recent submittals complete all of the City's requested information from the MRC, which will be used to meet certain reporting criteria for the City of Miami's NPDES permit.
- Mr. Bibeau noted he had received an email from Mr. Rod Lovett, Miami-Dade Water & Sewer Department , MD -WASD, in reference to the potential use of the County's sewage pump station's vacant parking lot for valet parking. Mr. Lovett noted the County attorney had reviewed the language in the referenced valet parking agreement and had pointed out that the agreement is between MD-WASD and two other parties, being the two existing adjacent restaurants. Mr. Lovett added that it was WASD's understanding that the agreement would be with only one party, which had been discussed in previous meetings, and would need to be changed before moving forward. Mr. Bibeau noted the two restaurant owners have expressed concerns about their sharing liability if only one contract is executed between WASD and both companies. For example, if the valet driver for company "A" gets into a fender bender, both the responsible company "A", and the unrelated company "B", would share liability, which may become problematic. Therefore, they would like to propose the following as a compromise. Divide the parking lot into two equal geographic areas, and then company "A" enters into one agreement w/ WASD for their half of the lot, and company "B" enters into a second separate agreement with WASD for their half of the divided lot. The company "A" agreement would stipulate company "A" is 100% liable for their half of the lot and the cars they valet, while the second agreement with company "B" would stipulate that company "B" is 100% liable for their half of the lot and the cars they valet. This would accomplish both the WASD goal of not having one agreement with two parties, and the companies' understandable goal to separate the liability.
- Ms. Jude noted the annual Miami Riverday festival should serve as a wonderful educational opportunity featuring interactive events where children and adults can learn more about water quality, environmental education, etc. Ms. Jude asked if the SSC had any ideas on how to increase involvement among environmental educational providers for next year's Riverday. Mr. Bibeau suggested obtaining additional educational/outreach materials which may be distributed at the festival. Ms. Waters suggested contacting the Environmental Protection Agency, the Florida Stormwater Management Academy , and University of Florida 's Agricultural Extension. Ms. Waters agreed to forward their website addresses to MRC staff. MRC staff noted they would also contact Ms. Elaine Sevin, Officer Snook, to obtain Officer Snook water quality educational booklets. Mr. Abdelrahman suggested streamlining the MRC's advertising methods to attract more people to the annual festival.
- The SSC welcomed Ms. Dany Berthold-Moise, Public Outreach Supervisor Team Metro Melrose, whom suggested partnering with the MRC to create a recycling and environmental education program at Miami-Dade County schools, featuring an awarded essay contest, Miami River Env. Educational Boat Tour, etc. Ms. Bethold-Moise added the Miami-Dade School Board is scheduled to consider contracting for the removal of recycled products from all schools by October 2007. Mr. Bibeau stated he believed the MRC SSC would be pleased to accept Ms. Berthold-Moise' partnership suggestion to create a re-cycle outreach effort in schools, after the school board contracts for the necessary disposal of the collected items in October. The SSC noted the importance of environmental education to reducing litter which clogs stormdrains, pollutes the water, etc.
The next publicly noticed SSC meeting was scheduled for Wednesday, July 11, 2007 , 10 am, Miami River Inn, 118 South River Drive , on account of the Fourth of July holiday.
The meeting adjourned. |
The Miami River Commission's (MRC) Stormwater Subcommittee (SSC) met June 6, 2007 , 10 am , at the Miami River Inn, 118 South River Drive , Miami , FL. The sign in sheet is enclosed. SSC Chair Ms. Sallye Jude stated she would like to continue inviting the representatives from the City, County, South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD) and the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) to continue rotating in leading attendees through the meeting agenda. Ms. Ashley Chase, MRC Assistant Managing Director, noted it was Mr. Randall White, Miami-Dade Department of Environmental Resource Management (DERM), turn to lead this month's SSC meeting, and Mr. White kindly accepted. Ms. Chase stated forwarded Ms. Waters', City of Miami , recommended revision to the May 2, 2007 SSC minutes, and the SSC accepted the revised minutes.
I. Presentation of Agency Quarterly Reports – Mr. Jose Lago, City of Miami Department of Capital Improvements, and Ms. Diane Waters, City of Miami Public Works Department, presented the City of Miami's 2nd Quarter “Miami River Basin Water Quality Improvement Plan - Quarterly Progress Report” (April 1, 2007-June 30, 2007). The report is available online at www.miamirivercommission.org . The following are some of the report's presented items:
- The storm water system retrofitting project in Pinehurst was recently completed, costing $2 million, of which $1.2 million was from the SFWMD. The new system contains catch basins and pollution retardant structures, etc.
- The storm sewer rebuilding project in Little Havana was completed in October 2002.
- Construction of the Allapattah storm sewer project was completed in December 2004.
- The design for the stormwater system rebuilding project in Downtown is 90% complete. The design commenced in February 2005 and is anticipated to be completed in September 2007, followed by construction in April 2008 – October 2008. Estimated total project cost is $3.5 million, and currently there is $671,495 allocated. Mr. Brett Bibeau, MRC Managing Director, asked if $671,495 is currently available for the project, and Mr. Lago replied yes. Mr. Bibeau further inquired if the City had considered a timeline as to when they expected to receive additional funding for this project, and Mr. Lago replied he would forward Mr. Bibeau's question to the project manager.
- Wagner Creek and Seybold Canal Dredging Project : “In June 2006 the City of Miami advertised a Request for Letters of Interest (RFLI), to design and construct the Wagner Creek / Seybold Canal dredging project, and received responses from various firms. Through this process, the City expects to recommend one firm for Commission approval in the September 2007 Commission agenda for the design and permitting components of the entire length of both canals.” Mr. Lago noted a resolution authorizing the City of Miami to contract one firm was submitted to the city's legal department, but was recently returned with additional comments/questions. Mr. Lago added he hoped to have the resolution ratified by City Commissioners during the September 2007 Commission meeting. Under this timeline, a Notice to Proceed (NTP) for the design and permitting of both canals is expected to be issued to the selected firm in November 2007. “The current estimated budget for this project is approximately $4.8 million. An estimated construction cost for this project has not been determined at this time. The City will continue to seek additional funds for this project.” Mr. Bibeau asked if $4.8 million has already been appropriated for the project, and Mr. Lago replied yes. Mr. Lago noted the city has begun researching grant opportunities, and planned to apply to the Miami-Dade County Community Based Organization (CBO) Grants Program next fiscal year. Mr. Lago noted the city would also reach out to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to request funding/assistance. Mr. Lago added he continues to keep in contact with staff from the City of Miami Grants Department, whom has already eliminated the Florida Inland Navigation District (FIND) as a potential funding source. According to FIND criteria, Wagner Creek is ineligible to receive grant funding since it is not designated a natural or navigable canal.
- City Inlet and Outfall Cleaning : “Envirowaste Services Group continues cleaning citywide inlets (north zone and south zone) and outfalls. The City has authorized GBF, an engineering consultant to inspect the cleaning activities. Inspection is ongoing. Project duration is two years.”
- No inlet retrofits for the Wagner Creek Basin took place during the first quarter of 2007.
- Scavenger 2000 De-Pollution Boat : “ The Miami City Commission passed a resolution to enter into a new sole source contract with Water Management Technologies for the Scavenger De-pollution Boat at the June 14, 2007 Commission meeting. Estimated Total Project Cost is $300,000 for the first year. Current annual allocated budget is $200,000 through City funds and $100,000 from Miami-Dade County for the first year. The contract will be for one year with an option to renew for two (2) additional one-year periods.” On behalf of the MRC, Mr. Bibeau stated he appreciated the City's renewal of the Scavenger 2000 De-Pollution vessel contract, and applauded the Scavenger's tremendous work. Mr. Bibeau clarified that the city's allocated budget of $200,000 will allow the Scavenger to service the Miami River five hours per week, while the county's $100,000 contribution will allow the Scavenger to work solely along the river basin.
- The second quarterly report included a summary of solid waste collected from catch basins by Waste Management for February 2007-May 2007.
- Report of on-site storm water treatment alternatives and BMP's : “ Texas Aquatic Harvesting continues citywide canal cleaning and maintenance. C3TS is performing inspection services for this project; 2) Waterways where cleanup has taken place include Wagner Creek, Seybold Canal, Lawrence Waterway, Comfort Canal, Ademar Canal, Davis Canal, and the Antonio Maceo Park Tamiami Canal; 3) The City of Miami has conducted three (3) Florida Stormwater, Erosion, and Sedimentation Control Inspector training classes in order to educate contractors and City staff on proper stormwater and sediment management techniques and BMPs during the 2 nd quarter of 2007. One additional class was held in January during the first quarter. Certification exams were proctored on January 31 st , April 5 th , May 23 rd , and May 29 th .” Mr. Bibeau thanked the city for maintaining the canals. Mr. Bibeau pinpointed the city-owned Fern Isle Park , as well as the city's northbound park extension on the 4 th Annual Miami River Map & Guide, and asked if the shoreline on both properties, which is currently covered in invasive species-would be cleared as part of Texas Aquatic Harvesting's existing contract. Ms. Waters noted she would follow-up on this matter.
- Wastewater
a. Conduct “dye flood” study : No new study performed.
- Enforcement, compliance and education
a. “ Implement active inspection of sanitary sewer connections and stormwater drainage during construction : The City of Miami regularly inspects new construction of storm sewer and sanitary infrastructure as part of the on-going procedures of the permitting process . The City of Miami Building Department inspects the private side and Public Works Department line and grade inspector inspects the public side . The Miami-Dade DERM inspects storm sewer system hook-ups.” Ms. Sallye Jude , SSC Chair, noted it was her understanding that regular drainage maintenance/cleaning resulted in improved stormwater /sanitary sewer drainage systems, yet there seemed to be an ongoing drainage problem at 1 st Street and NW 5 th Avenue . Mr. Lago explained that though drainage systems are cleaned regularly, drainage deficiencies most probably occur as a result of: damaged pipes, capacity or elevation
b. Point Park Environmental Center : “The Shoreline Project is completed; The Seybold Project is on hold; The park is now open to the public.”
a. Complete special studies required under NPDES : “ Compilation of the 2006 Annual Report (Year 3) is nearing completion. The Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) adopted the fecal coliform Total Maximum Daily Load TMDL for Wagner Creek by secretarial order on April 10, 2007 . The firm PBS&J has been contracted to assist with performing an outfall monitoring study and creating and implementing stormwater monitoring plans required by the City's NPDES permit. The City of Miami and Miami-Dade County DERM participated in an initial information exchange with FDEP regarding TMDLs.” Ms. Diane Waters, City of Miami Public Works , stated she was unsure if The Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) had posted the final Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) report for Wagner Creek on their website. Mr. Bibeau asked if FDEP would consider allowing DERM to “pass on” its TMDL results to the City in an effort to avoid testing duplication, and Ms. Waters stated she would ask FDEP to look into this suggestion.
Mr. Bibeau noted a recent City Commission resolution authorizing a funding increase for the “Orange Bowl Storm Water Pump Station Upgrades” (Project B-50653) project on July 10, 2007 . The SSC agreed this project, which is a storm water infrastructure improvement within the Miami River water basin, be included in the City's future “Miami River Basin Water Quality Improvement Plan” quarterly progress report.
Mr. Bibeau cited a City Commission resolution accepting a grant from the State of Florida Division of Emergency Management to improve the drainage area referred to as the “Fairlawn Storm Sewer Pump Station” (Project B-50702), which was presented to Miami City Commissioners on Tuesday, July 10, 2007 . The SSC agreed this project, which is a storm water infrastructure improvement within the Miami River water basin, be included in the City's future “Miami River Basin Water Quality Improvement Plan” quarterly progress report.
II. Status of the Wagner Creek and Seybold Canal Dredging Permits and Corrective Action Plan – Mr. Lago addressed this topic in Agenda Item I.
III. Update on the Adoption of the Wagner Creek TMDL – Ms. Waters addressed this topic in Agenda Item I.
IV. Status of WASD Smoke Testing of the Wagner Creek Western Sub Basin – Mr. Bibeau noted Mr. Evan Skornick and Ms. Lucy Perez, South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD), were unable to attend today's SSC meeting due to a previously scheduled SFWMD board meeting. Mr. Bibeau stated that, according to Mr. Skornick, the SFWMD's existing contract with the MRC is yet to be amended to add the $15,409 in potential 1998 SWIM funding to continue smoke testing, since the SFWMD has yet to complete its internal audit.
Mr. Rod Lovett , Miami-Dade Water & Sewer Department (WASD), stated the WASD Deputy and Assistant Directors have expressed a reluctance to enter into a dual-party contract with the two restaurant owners (Garcia's Seafood and Casablanca) for their potential use of the County's vacant parking lot, adjacent to Pump Station #1, and prefer entering into the agreement with one party, which may be a joint venture between the two restaurants. Mr. Bibeau noted he had recently visited the vacant parking lot and distributed an illustration of the property, which measured the distance from the river to the street to determine how many parking spots are feasible, and noting the 22.5 foot surface parking setback from the riverfont, to accommodate a potential publicly accessible riverwalk section. According to Mr. Bibeau's calculations, since the City charter requires a parking setback of 25% within properties less than 200 feet in width (river to sidewalk) and the subject property is only 90 feet wide, the 22.5-foot riverfront setback leaves sufficient area for an estimated 30 parking spots.
Mr. Bibeau as an alternative he had previously suggested dividing the parking lot into two equal geographic areas, and then company "A" enters into one agreement w/ WASD
for their half of the lot, and company "B" enters into a second separate agreement with WASD for their half of the divided lot. The company "A" agreement would stipulate company "A" is 100% liable for their half of the lot and the cars they valet, while the second agreement with company "B" would stipulate that company "B" is 100% liable for their half of the lot and the cars they valet. This would accomplish both the WASD goal of not having one agreement with two parties, and the companies' understandable goal to separate the liability.
Mr. Lovett reaffirmed the position of the WASD to enter into an agreement with only one party, and offered to set up a meeting for Mr. Bibeau to present the dual-party contract concept.
Per Mr. Lovett's previous request, Mr. Bibeau stated he would provide him with a letter on behalf of the MRC approving the renditions of the façade treatment for the WASD riverfront Pump Station #1, and recommending additional landscaping and flowering trees, per the request of Ms. Jude. Mr. Bibeau noted in prior meetings that the façade treatment was favorably received by the MRC, Greenways and Urban Infill subcommittees.
V. Discussion of Potential Grant Opportunities- MRC Assistant Managing Director Ashley Chase distributed a list she created of “Potential Federal Environmental Grants to Fund Pollution Prevention Solutions,” in which the City of Miami is eligible to apply:
- Environmental Protection Agency “FY 2007 Request for Proposals for Coordination of Regional Pollution Prevention Information Centers”
- Environmental Protection Agency Office of water “Communities for a Renewed Environment (CARE)
- U.S. Fish & Wildlife “Clean Vessel Act Pumpout Program”
Mr. Lago agreed to forward these potential grants to his department.
VI. New Business- The following items were addressed/discussed:
- Mr. Bibeau distributed copies of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's “Rulemaking Petition Related to Ballast Water,” which includes EPA's consideration of a New Vessel Discharge Regulation. Mr. Bibeau noted EPA is seeking information as it considers how to develop a water permit program for discharges incidental to the normal operation of commercial vessels and recreational boats. Mr. Bibeau noted he had forwarded this information to the Miami River Marine Group's Executive Director, as well as various marine industrial business owners along the Miami River . Ms. Waters suggested contacting DERM to obtain additional information.
- Mr. Bibeau noted Miami-Dade County 's $7.5 million General Obligation Bond (GOB) Miami River Greenway line item has been expedited, making $2.5 million available this year. Mr. Bibeau noted the $2.5 million could be used to create construction engineering documents for county-owned riverfront parcels, such as Pump Station # 1.
- Mr. Bibeau cited the minutes of the Miami River Port Security meeting he had attended on Tuesday May 8, 2007 , in which he had expressed his surprise to see a 3-foot temporary fence installed at the Water & Sewer Department Pump Station's riverfront. Mr. Bibeau mentioned at the meeting that the abutting restaurant, Garcia's, has expressed a desire to fund and construct improvements to the shoreline adjacent to the Pump Station so that boats could temporarily dock there while owners visited the restaurant. Mr. Bibeau stated he had inquired whether this would be acceptable from a security perspective at a recent Miami River Homeland Security meeting, and the response from law enforcement agency committee members was that lights and a public presence would enhance the security effectiveness of the Pump Station, rather than detract from it. Mr. Lovett noted Mr. Garcia had agreed to forward him conceptual drawings of their idea, but he had yet to receive such drawings.
Ms. Jude reported flooding occurs at SW 1 st ST and 5 Ave.
The SSC noted it would not meet in August, therefore the next publicly noticed SSC meeting was scheduled for Wednesday, September 5, 2007, 10 am, Miami River Inn, 118 South River Drive.
The meeting adjourned. |
The Miami River Commission's (MRC) Stormwater Subcommittee (SSC) met July 11, 2007 , 10 am , at the Miami River Inn, 118 South River Drive , Miami , FL. The sign in sheet is enclosed. Per the request of SSC Chair Ms. Sallye Jude , the SSC continues inviting representatives from the City, County, South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD) and the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) to rotate in leading attendees through the meeting agenda. Ms. Ashley Chase, MRC Assistant Managing Director, noted it was Ms. Diane Waters', City of Miami , turn to lead this month's SSC meeting, and Ms. Waters kindly accepted.
I. Presentation of DERM Miami River Basin Water Quality Improvement Plan Quarterly Progress Report – Mr. Omar Abdelrahman, Miami-Dade County Department of Environmental Resources Management (MDC-DERM), presented the Third Quarter “Miami River Basin Water Quality Improvement Report/Action Item Matrix Quarterly Progress Report” (April-June 2007). The report is available online at www.miamirivercommission.org . The following are some of the report's presented items:
- Monitoring & Research : Miami-Dade DERM has continued to collect monthly water quality samples in the Miami River and its tributaries (including Tamiami Canal and Wager Creek). During the Third Quarter of 2007, samples were collected at each of the ten stations in the River on April 3, May 8 and June 5. Costs for sampling (including salaries and fringe analysis) have been calculated at approximately $320 per station per month
- No sewage spills were reported on or around the river during the quarter; no trends to report
Mr. Abdelrahman noted the maps showing monthly Total Coliform results from April-June at stations in the Miami River and its vicinity were not available for this report due to technical difficulties. Mr. Abdelrahman added the maps will be forwarded as soon as the problem is resolved. Mr. Abdelrahman presented the results (Charts 1-4) of the water quality monitoring that occurred in the Third Quarter (April-June 2007).
Mr. Abdelrahman reviewed and discussed Table I of the Quarterly Report, which lists the observed total coliform levels in Wagner Creek from April-June 2007. Mr. Rod Lovett, Miami-Dade Water & Sewer Department (WASD), noted the high volumes of total coliform levels reported in May and June. Mr. Abdelrahman noted the high volumes were possibly a result of the rainy season (i.e. coliform “flushing” into storm system).
The SSC thanked Mr. Abdelrahman for presenting DERM's Third Quarter Progress Report.
II. Status of the Wagner Creek and Seybold Canal Dredging Permits and Corrective Action Plan - Mr. Jose Lago , City of Miami Department of Capital Improvements, noted that as previously reported during the July 11, 2007 SSC meeting, the City expects to recommend one firm for Commission approval in the September 2007 Commission agenda for the design and permitting components of the entire length of both Wagner Creek and Seybold Canal. Mr. Lago added that, under this timeline, a Notice to Proceed (NTP) for the design and permitting of both canals is expected to be issued to the selected firm in November 2007. Ms. Ashley Chase, MRC Assistant Managing Director, asked if the City had secured additional funding for the project, aside from the current estimated budget of $4.8 million, and Mr. Lago replied that the city continues to seek additional funding. Mr. Lago noted his department was currently seeking approval to request funding from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). Mr. Lago noted he had forwarded the document Ms. Chase had created in July entitled “Potential Federal Environmental Grants to Fund Pollution Prevention Solutions” to the City of Miami Grants Department. Mr. Lago added he would follow-up with the Grants Department to verify if the city is eligible to apply for any of the following grants:
- Environmental Protection Agency “FY 2007 Request for Proposals for Coordination of Regional Pollution Prevention Information Centers”
- Environmental Protection Agency Office of water “Communities for a Renewed Environment (CARE)
- U.S. Fish & Wildlife “Clean Vessel Act Pumpout Program”
III. Update on the Adoption of the Wagner Creek TMDL – Ms. Diane Waters, City of Miami Public Works Department, stated the Basin Management Action Plan (BMAP), which is a plan to achieve the water quality standards set forth in the TMDL, has not been finalized. Ms. Waters added that a meeting has been scheduled with FDEP to discuss its status. Ms. Chase asked if The Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) had posted the final Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) for Wagner Creek on their website, and Ms. Waters replied she was not sure.
IV. Status of WASD Smoke Testing of the Wagner Creek Western Sub Basin – Ms. Chase noted Mr. Evan Skornick, South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD), had informed MRC staff that the $15,409 in potential 1998 SWIM funding to continue smoke testing, was no longer available. Ms. Chase therefore suggested removing this item from future agendas. The SSC agreed to replace the “Status of WASD Smoke Testing of the Wagner Creek Western Sub Basin ” agenda item with “Discussion of Alternate Methods of Source Tracking.” Mr. Lovett asked Mr. Abdelrahman had received any updates regarding the potential to conduct DNA testing/source tracking along Wagner Creek, and Mr. Abdelrahman replied no. The SSC discussed the importance of identifying the source point of contamination through utilizing a variety of methods.
Mr. Lovett, WASD, stated the department is moving forward with allowing public parking in their vacant parking lot on North River Drive and NW 3 ST. Mr. Lovett noted he had recently met with Mr. Luis Garcia, Garcia's Seafood Grille, whom had expressed a desire to fund and construct improvements to the shoreline/seawall adjacent to Pump Station #1. Mr. Lovett noted the WASD was pending the receipt of Mr. Garcia's proposed designs/renderings for the area before he may acquire a permit for construction.
V. Discussion of NOAA Marine Debris Program Grant Opportunity - Ms. Chase noted MRC staff is applying to a $100,000 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Community-based Marine Debris Prevention and Removal Project Grant. The deadline is October 31, 2007 . Ms. Chase noted MRC staff will focus on the benefits of the Scavenger 2000, MRC-coordinated and co-funded volunteer beautification events, monthly SSC meetings and Riverday. The SSC expressed their support.
VI. New Business- No new items were addresses/discussed.
The SSC confirmed its next publicly noticed meeting for Wednesday, October 3, 2007 ,
10 am, Miami River Inn, 118 South River Drive .
The meeting adjourned. |
September 5, 2007 | THIS IS A PUBLIC DOCUMENT
The Miami River Commission's (MRC) Stormwater Subcommittee (SSC) met September 5, 2007 , 10 am , at the Miami River Inn, 118 South River Drive , Miami , FL. The sign in sheet is enclosed. Per the request of SSC Chair Ms. Sallye Jude , the SSC continues inviting representatives from the City, County, South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD) and the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) to rotate in leading attendees through the meeting agenda. Ms. Ashley Chase, MRC Assistant Managing Director, noted it was Mr. Omar Abdelrahman's, Miami-Dade County Department of Environmental Resources Management (DERM), turn to lead this month's SSC meeting, and Mr. Abdelrahman kindly accepted.
I. Status of the Wagner Creek and Seybold Canal Dredging Permits and Corrective Action Plan -
Mr. Brett Bibeau, MRC Managing Director, stated that on September 11, 2007 the City Commission contracted CH2MHill for the design, permitting and public outreach of Wagner Creek & Seybold Canal Dredging project, which includes the river to NW 20th Street . Mr. Jose Lago , City of Miami Department of Capital Improvements, confirmed this information, adding that once the City finalizes negotiations with the selected firm, a Notice to Proceed (NTP) for the design and permitting of both canals is expected to be issued by November 2007, or at the latest, early December. Mr. Charlie Hand, a homeowner along Seybold Canal , asked when the design and permitting of both canals is estimated to be completed, and Mr. Lago replied that the timeline will be included in the City / CH2MHill contract which remains under final negotiation prior to execution as authorized by the City Commission. Mr. Hand asked how much money is available for the design and permitting of the project, and Mr. Lago replied he was unsure, but agreed to find out. Mr. Bibeau stated he believes the approved City Commission item authorized up to $1 million for the contract. Mr. Hand asked if the funding for the design and permitting would be provided from the $4.8 million Mr. Lago previously reported was available for the Wagner Creek and Seybold Canal Dredging Project, and Mr. Lago replied the design and permitting is a component of and would be funded with a portion of the dredging project's available funding.
II. Update on the Development of a Basin Management Action Plan (BMAP) for Wagner Creek – Mr. Omar Abdelrahman, Miami-Dade Department of Environmental Resources Management (DERM), noted he and Ms. Diane Waters, City of Miami Public Works Department, had recently participated in a conference call with representatives of The Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) to commence the process of creating the Wagner Creek BMAP. Mr. Bibeau asked if the Wagner Creek BMAP seeks to identify and create a plan to eliminate pollutant source(s), and Ms. Waters replied that the intent of the BMAP is to identify the source of pollutants. Mr. Bibeau asked if the BMAP would outline a plan to eliminate any determined source(s) of pollutants into Wagner Creek, and Mr. Abdelrahman replied that the BMAP may incorporate such recommendations. Mr. Bibeau asked for the timeline to complete the BMAP, and Ms. Waters replied that FDEP had yet to set a timeline, and agreed to follow up with that information. Mr. Abdelrahman stated DERM had recently taken water quality samples for fecal coliform, total coliform and e-coli, from the Wagner Creek headwaters in Comstock Park , and his preliminary review of the small data set does not indicate a pollutant source, and noted most of the samples were actually beneath the County standards. Mr. Abdelrahman stated he would like to take additional samples from other areas of the Wagner Creek headwaters, north of NW 20 ST.
IV. Discussion of Alternative Methods for Pollutant Source Tracking – According to Mr. Abdelrahman, Mr. Fred Calder, FDEP, revealed that field experts do not consider DNA/bacteriological source tracking an effective or useful methodology for water quality determinations. Ms. Waters added that genetic testing may or may not be able to determine the source of pollutants and Mr. Abdelrahman replied that Smoke Testing doesn't guarantee discovering pollutant sources either. Mr. Hand stated the environmental agencies should continue efforts to determine and eliminate the long standing Wagner Creek pollutant sources. Mr. Hand noted especially considering the City of Miami is investing millions in tax payer funds to dredge the Wagner Creek and Seybold Canal , it is critical to identify and eliminate the water bodies pollutant sources.
Mr. Hand provided an article featured in Surfrider Magazine, entitled “Water Quality Issues,” which illustrates the use of different source tracking methods, such as DNA testing, to successfully identify and institute programs to identify the sources of fecal coliform, e.coli, and other forms of pollution. Mr. Hand noted that a study of the Tualatin River Basin in Oregon revealed that duck waste was responsible for approximately 50% of the pollution. Mr. Hand noted that the population of ducks around his neighborhood has grown dramatically, and suggested that perhaps they may be contributing to the increasing levels of coliform and fecal matter. Considering FDEP's reluctance to conduct DNA testing along Wagner Creek and Seybold Canal , Mr. Hand suggested performing alternative forms of testing to identify main pollutant factors, and eventually narrow them down to a possible source of fecal coliform.
Ms. Dianne Waters, City of Miami Public Works Department provided examples of alternative testing methodologies:
- Antibiotic Resistance Tests
- Watershed Surveys-examining/researching the subject area (walking, driving, etc) and gathering data. Mr. Hand asked for a cost estimate to perform such a survey, and Ms. Waters replied she did not have any information pertaining to projected costs nor the appropriate course of action/timeline to conduct the aforementioned watershed study. Mr. Abdelrahman reported that DERM currently does not have enough staffing or funding to perform such surveys.
Ms. Perez asked Ms. Waters if she had a document illustrating different types of testing methods, and their projected costs, and Ms. Waters replied she would try to find out if the city had such a document available. Mr. Abdelrahman noted that smoke testing and sampling have thus far been the only testing methods, which have not identified any major pollutant sources. Mr. Bibeau noted the grant opportunities MRC staff provided the City and County, which if applied for and awarded may provide funding, and thanked the City and County for their continued efforts.
Mr. Abdelrahman offered to discuss with his supervisor the possibility of contacting FDEP - to request a teleconference call with the MRC SSC - to determine why they are opposed to conducting DNA molecular source tracking, as well as identify alternative methodologies.
IV. New Business- The following items were addresses/discussed:
- Per the request of Mr. Rod Lovett, Miami-Dade Water & Sewer Department (WASD)-whom was unable to attend today's meeting, Mr. Bibeau read his following written report into the record: “The negotiations with Garcia's restaurant to allow access to the sea wall behind the adjacent pump station are ongoing. At this point, our attorneys are looking into the legalities of allowing access and if this requires Commission approval. The parking lot issue on the other side of the pump station continues to be under review to determine the feasibility of creating a pay parking lot that will be owned and operated by the MD-WASD.”
- Mr. Abdelrahman noted he recently had a discussion with his supervisor regarding the possibility of enhancing DERM's Miami River Basin Water Quality Improvement Plan Quarterly Progress Report s . Abdelrahman stated his supervisor suggested firstly determining the intent and criteria of the report from the Miami River Commission before making any potential improvements. Mr. Bibeau noted the various environmental regulatory agencies represented on the MRC Stormwater Subcommittee created the “Miami River Basin Water Quality Improvement Report”, which outlines 33 recommended actions items geared towards improving water quality within the Miami River Water Basin . Mr. Bibeau added that, per the recommendation of the report, the regulatory agencies - such as DERM - are asked to provide quarterly progress reports on the action items of which they are identified as the lead agency. Mr. Bibeau commended DERM for providing detailed, chronological graphs and maps tracking water quality over the years, and noted additional information - should DERM deem appropriate, maybe helpful. Mr. Abdelrahman noted he would continue providing the quarterly water quality standard reports utilizing the familiar maps and graphs, while his supervisor further considers including additional information.
- Mr. Bibeau thanked the City Commission for authorizing an Interlocal Agreement on September 11, 2007 in order for the Scavenger Decontamination vessel's existing $200,000 contract with the City of Miami , which provides 5 hours per week of service on the Miami River , to be supplemented with Miami Dade County 's additional $100,000 for additional service hours on the Miami River . Mr. Bibeau added that these items are consistent with the Miami River Basin Water Quality Improvement Plan and the Miami River Corridor Urban Infill Plan.
- Mr. Bibeau thanked the Miami City Commissioners for approving a resolution providing funding for citywide storm sewer repair project, B-30262
- Mr. Hand asked how pollution/debris is controlled along the fixed NW 11 th Street Bridge in Spring Garden , and Ms. Water replied that retrofits/catch basins along Wagner Creek are maintained by Public Works.
The SSC confirmed its next publicly noticed meeting for Wednesday, November 7, 2007 , 10 am, Miami River Inn, 118 South River Drive .
The meeting adjourned. |
The Miami River Commission's (MRC) Stormwater Subcommittee (SSC) met October 3, 2007, 10 am at the Miami River Inn, 118 South River Drive, Miami, FL. The sign in sheet is enclosed. Per the request of SSC Chair Ms. Sallye Jude , the SSC continues inviting representatives from the City, County, South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD) and the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) to rotate in leading attendees through the meeting agenda. Ms. Ashley Chase, MRC Assistant Managing Director, noted it was Ms. Lucy Perez's, South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD), turn to lead this month's SSC meeting, and Ms. Perez kindly accepted.
I. Status of the Wagner Creek and Seybold Canal Dredging Permits and Corrective Action Plan -Mr. Jose Lago, City of Miami Department of Capital Improvements, stated the City administration met on November 6, 2007 with CH2MHill - the firm selected by the Miami City Commission on September 11, 2007 for the design, permitting and public outreach of the Wagner Creek & Seybold Canal Dredging project - to negotiate the scope of work for the contract. Mr. Lago provided the following estimated project timeline:
- Contract negotiations are expected to continue until December 2007
- Once negotiations are finalized, City of Miami Department of Capital Improvements’ Procurement Department will prepare contract package and send to CH2MHill
- CH2MHill signs / executes contract
- City of Miami signs / executes contract
- City to prepare requisition and issue purchase order
- City estimates Notice to Proceed (NTP) for the design and permitting of both canals will be issued by January - February 2008
Mr. Lago noted Phase I of the contract includes the creation of a corrective action plan, design, permitting and public outreach for the Wagner Creek & Seybold Canal Dredging project. Phase I is estimated to take 7 months from NTP without unforeseen delays or potentially lengthy agency permitting timelines. Phase I is estimated at $917,381, and the City Commission approved up to $1 million including contingencies. Once the design component is nearly completed for the entire area, Mr. Lago reported a cost estimate would be generated to conduct Phase II, which consists of the dredging/construction of Wagner Creek & Seybold Canal. The City will then compare the available appropriated funds for the project with the estimated cost. Ms. Lucy Perez, South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD), asked if any Phase I leftover dollars could be utilized to help fund Phase II of the project, and Mr. Lago replied yes. Mr. Lago noted since the project’s estimate will be generated after the ST 2008 legislative session, the City may wait to seek a state cost share for the project in 2009, and the SFWMD’s FY 2009 budget which will be adopted in September 2008. Mr. Lago stated based on their contractor’s performance in Phase I, the City Commission may select to authorize contracting CH2MHILL, which has experience for Phase II, without an additional bidding process.
II. Update on the Development of a Basin Management Action Plan (BMAP) for Wagner Creek –
Ms. Diane Waters, City of Miami Public Works Department, noted the City of Miami had submitted additional information to The Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) and haven’t heard back yet.
III. Discussion of Alternative Methods for Pollutant Source Tracking – Per the request of the SSC during the October meeting, Ms. Waters provided examples of alternative testing methodologies for pollutant source tracking:
- Discreet screening of individual genes - readily available in South Florida
- Community of Bacteria Profiles - these results can be difficult to interpret and technique is much more expensive
- Micro-array Profiling / Ribotype Screening – different genetic technique and pricey
- Classic Biochemical Source Tracking - different metabolism of different bacteria; technique is fast, less expensive, yet less precise
- Antibiotic Resistance Tests
- Mr. Lovett noted the first question / step is if the high e-coli levels in Wagner Creek are human or non-human source. Mr. Lovett noted the state had conducted tests to determine the source of pollutants, and had determined that the bacteria were non-human. Mr. Lovett added that Mr. Steve Blair, DERM, didn’t want to definitively accept previous testing evidence indicating non-human sources due to insufficient quantity of testing, therefore Mr. Lovette suggested supplementing that database Mr. Roy Strattman, DERM, noted testing if the source is human or non-human is expensive for large database testing, and asked for the status of conducting watershed surveys within the subject area. Ms. Waters replied noted Mr. Abdelrahman, DERM, had previously reported that DERM did not have enough staffing or funding to perform such surveys, nor does the City of Miami.
- Ms. Perez suggested that Ms. Waters provide a plan of action to assist the SSC in understanding the process of identifying tests and potential funding sources. Mr. Bibeau stated the SSC’s Miami River Basin Water Quality Improvement Report recommends additional testing to determine the pollution source point, and fixing the pollution sources once located via the appropriate testing methods. Mr. Bibeau noted the last round of smoke testing in the Wagner Creek area concluded over a year ago, and minor defects were repaired. Therefore Mr. Bibeau encouraged the SSC’s environmental regulatory agencies to select a continued testing process, secure funding for the testing, followed by designing, funding and constructing solutions which will improve water quality.
IV. Discussion of EPA Clean Watersheds Needs Survey- Mr. Bibeau noted Ms. Waters had forwarded him an email regarding the Environmental Protection Agency’s Clean Watersheds Needs Survey recent webcast, which described how to get local stromwater capital needs incorporated in the 2008 Survey. Mr. Bibeau noted according to the provided information and e-mails, the Needs Survey is the basis for a detailed report to Congress on the nation’s infrastructure needs, and is used in funding and policy deliberations. Mr. Bibeau asked if the City of Miami planned to submit data for the survey, and Ms. Waters reported that a determination has not been made. Ms. Waters noted that Congress has not appropriated funding for this purpose. Ms. Waters added that the MRC -to her knowledge-is eligible to submit information. Mr. Bibeau noted the MRC is simply an advisory body, and would therefore need to receive input from the City, County, FDEP riverfront neighborhoods and businesses before submitting information for the survey. On behalf of Miami-Dade County, Mr. Strattman agreed to obtain more information regarding the survey. Ms. Waters explained that the survey is not a simple “wish list” of suggested stormwater improvements, noting that it takes resources to compile information for submittal. Mr. Bibeau stated that if a survey of stormwater related projects which may use a federal cost share is submitted, then the potential to seek federal funding for the submitted projects becomes possible.
V. New Business- The following items were addresses/discussed: Mr. Bibeau noted the MRC had recently applied to a $200,000 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Community-based Marine Debris Prevention and Removal Project Grant to fund additional working hours of the Scavenger 2000 ($100,000 requested), the continued implementation of the Miami River Basin Water Quality Improvement Report, MRC-coordinated and co-funded volunteer beautification events, and educational riverboat tours; Mr. Bibeau noted the MRC had submitted a letter supporting the City of Miami Public Works Department’s NOAA grant application to fund the fabrication and installation of additional catch basins and screens for the Miami River’s stormwater system. Mr. Bibeau asked for the status of the applications to a collection of MRC identified stormwater related grant opportunities in which the MRC is not an eligible applicant (previously distributed at the September 2007 SSC meeting), and Ms. Waters recommended contacting Mr. Robert Ruano, City of Miami Director of Grants Administration, for an update
Mr. Lovett noted the issue of allowing public parking on the vacant WASD parking lot on North River Drive and SW 3 ST continues to be under review. Mr. Lovett noted GSA is considering managing the parking lot. Mr. Lovette stated the WASD agreed to allow the Miami-Dade Public Works Department oversee the design and construction of a 22 foot wide (consistent with City Charter) publicly accessible riverwalk adjacent to the upland vacant parking lot, from Lummus Park to the south up to the Pump Station (1 foot riverfront building setback) to the north, then turning east top connect with the on-road Greenway on North River Drive which proceeds around past the pump station.
Mr. Lovett noted the WASD had received Garcia’s proposed designs/renderings for the beautification they are offering to fund and construct on a small portion of the unimproved County owned riverfront land (estimated 60 feet long by 10 feet wide) adjacent to the north side of sewage Pump Station #1, which is directly adjacent to Garcia’s Seafood Restaurant. Mr. Lovett noted approval of the item would be placed on next month’s Board of County Commissioner’s meeting agenda. Mr. Lovett agreed to forward Mr. Bibeau the date the agenda item will be considered by the Board of County Commissioners.
Mr. Bibeau noted the MRC had submitted a letter supporting the WASD’s façade treatment for Pump Station #1; Mr. Lovett noted the WASD was in the process of funding the project and was considering performing the work in-house.
Mr. Lovett stated he noticed on the way to the meeting that the WASD owned public riverfront pocket park made in partnership with MRC funding and planted by volunteers needs to be mowed which the WASD will continue to provide as part of routine maintenance.
The SSC confirmed its next publicly noticed meeting for Wednesday, December 5, 2007, 10 am, Miami River Inn, 118 South River Drive.
The meeting adjourned. |
November 7, 2007 | THIS IS A PUBLIC DOCUMENT
The Miami River Commission’s (MRC) Stormwater Subcommittee (SSC) met November 7, 2007, 10 am, at the Miami River Inn, 118 South River Drive, Miami, FL. The sign in sheet is enclosed. Per the request of SSC Chair Ms. Sallye Jude, the SSC continues inviting representatives from the City, County, South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD) and the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) to rotate in leading attendees through the meeting agenda. Ms. Ashley Chase, MRC Assistant Managing Director, noted it was Mr. Rod Lovett’s, Miami-Dade Water & Sewer Department (MD-WASD), turn to lead this month’s SSC meeting, and Mr. Lovett kindly accepted. |
I. Status of the Wagner Creek and Seybold Canal Dredging Permits and Corrective Action Plan – Ms. Chase noted Mr. Jose Lago, City of Miami Department of Capital Improvements, was unable to attend today’s SSC meeting, yet had recently emailed a report to MRC staff indicating that the November 7, 2007 meeting minutes regarding Wagner Creek and Seybold Canal still contain current and up-to-date information. Ms. Chase welcomed Mr. Tom McSweeney of CH2MHill, the firm selected by the Miami City Commission on September 11, 2007 for the design, permitting and public outreach of the Wagner Creek & Seybold Canal Dredging project. Mr. McSweeney confirmed the following estimated project timeline.
- City administration met with CH2MHill on November 6, 2007 to negotiate the scope of work for the contract
- On November 16, CH2MHill submitted deliverables/schedule (project duration) to City
- Contract negotiations are expected to continue this month
- Once negotiations are finalized, City of Miami Department of Capital Improvements’ Procurement Department will prepare contract package and send to CH2MHill
- CH2MHill signs / executes contract
- City of Miami signs / executes contract
- City to prepare requisition and issue purchase order
- City estimates Notice to Proceed (NTP) for the design and permitting of both canals will be issued by January - February 2008
Mr. McSweeney noted Phase I of the contract includes the creation of a corrective action plan, design, permitting and public outreach for the Wagner Creek & Seybold Canal Dredging project, and is estimated at $917,381 (the City Commission approved up to $1 million including contingencies). Mr. McSweeney noted any Phase I leftover dollars could potentially be carried over to help fund dredging within Phase II of the project, which consists of the dredging/construction of Wagner Creek & Seybold Canal.
Mr. Omar Abdelrahman, MD-DERM, asked Mr. McSweeney to elaborate on the design component of the project, and Mr. McSweeney replied that a bank-to-bank survey of the bottom of Wagner Creek and the Seybold Canal and “cuts” will be performed to calculate volumes. Mr. McSweeney added CH2MHill will also take special note of material handling areas and existing seawalls, while continuing to receive feedback and collaborate with permitting agencies.
II. Update on the Development of a Basin Management Action Plan (BMAP) for Wagner Creek –
Per the request of the SSC during last month’s meeting, Ms. Diane Waters, City of Miami Public Works Department, distributed a “City of Miami Proposed Draft BMAP Summary for Wagner Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL” in an effort to assist in understanding the process of identifying potential tests and funding sources. Ms. Waters noted the proposed draft plan has not been approved by Miami-Dade County DERM or by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection and is subject to change. Ms. Waters asked Mr. Abdelrahman if the County had an update concerning the development of the BMAP, and Mr. Abdelrahman replied he had nothing to report at this time.
III. Discussion of Alternative Methods for Pollutant Source Tracking – Mr. Abdelrahman noted DERM was currently conducting a preliminary study of source tracking methods for impaired water bodies within Miami-Dade County, such as Arch Creek and Biscayne Canal. Ms. Chase asked if any areas along the Miami River were being considered, and Mr. Abdelrahman replied no. Mr. Abdelrahman noted he would be happy to share the aforementioned source tracking methods with the City of Miami. Ms. Waters noted “caffeine identifier,” an alternative testing methodology for human pollutant source tracking, is now available in the South Florida area.
IV. Discussion of EPA Clean Watersheds Needs Survey - Ms. Chase distributed an email from Mr. Gary Powell, Bureau of Water Facilities/Funding Management Analyst, regarding the Environmental Protection Agency’s Clean Watersheds Needs Survey process. In the email, Mr. Powell noted “the data collection period for the 2008 survey will begin in mid-January and extend to mid-October. If you have capital improvement plan documents, or other project-specific documents which demonstrate need and cost, you can submit them now and we will hold them in file in preparation for the opening of the data entry system in January.” Ms. Chase noted she had forwarded Ms. Waters the email, and asked if the City of Miami planned to submit data for the survey. Ms. Waters reported that Public Works had not rendered a decision regarding submittal to the Clean Watersheds Needs Survey. Per the request of Ms Waters, who stated that to her knowledge she had not received the email, Ms. Chase agreed to re-forward the aforementioned email to her and Mr. Lago.
Ms. Sallye Jude asked if the survey is used to fund local stormwater projects, and Ms. Chase explained that the Needs Survey is the basis for a detailed report to Congress on the nation’s infrastructure needs, and is used in funding and policy deliberations. Ms. Waters added that although Congress has the authority to use the results of the survey to allocate funding, it appears that Congress has not used that authority. Ms. Chase noted on behalf of the MRC she would submit a copy of the Miami River Basin Water Quality Improvement Report to Mr. Powell.
V. New Business- The following items were addresses/discussed:
- Ms. Jude noted the 12th Annual Miami Riverday will be held on Saturday, April 12, 2008 at José Martí Park, and encouraged DERM, the City of Miami and the Miami-Dade Water & Sewer Department to participate in the festival in an effort to promote child and adult education regarding water conservation, energy efficiency, waste disposal, etc. Mr. Lovett asked if the WASD could invite water inspection trucks to the festival to educate children and adults about water conservation and treatment, and Ms. Chase replied yes. Ms. Chase agreed to forward Riverday commitment forms and festival information to Mr. White, Mr. Abdelrahman and Mr. Lovett.
- Mr. Lovett noted that, due to maintenance and security issues, the WASD Director had denied Garcia’s request to utilize a small portion/easement of unimproved County owned riverfront land adjacent to the north side of sewage Pump Station #1 for access to Garcia’s Seafood Restaurant, and the proposal, therefore, would not be presented before the Board of County Commissioners.
- Mr. Lovett noted the issue of allowing public pay-parking facility on the vacant WASD parking lot on North River Drive and SW 3 ST is moving forward. Mr. Lovett noted a “pay box” would be installed featuring pay slots corresponding to each of the lot’s parking spots. Ms. Chase asked who would manage the site, and Mr. Lovett replied GSA. Mr. Abdelrahman asked who would collect the revenue from the pay-parking facility, and Mr. Lovett replied the revenue will most likely be divided between the GSA and the WASD. Mr. Lovett noted the WASD hoped to have the pay-parking lot up-and-running before next month’s SSC meeting.
- Mr. Lovett noted the WASD was close to having the façade treatment for Pump Station #1 funded. Mr. Lovett added the project consists of $200,000-worth of aesthetic improvements.
- Mr. Lovett stated he noticed on the way to the meeting that the WASD owned public riverfront pocket park, made in partnership with MRC funding and planted by volunteers, needs to be mowed which the WASD will continue to provide as part of routine maintenance.
The SSC confirmed its next publicly noticed meeting for Wednesday, January 9, 2008, 10 am, Miami River Inn, 118 South River Drive.
The meeting adjourned. |
December 5, 2007 | THIS IS A PUBLIC DOCUMENT
The Miami River Commission’s (MRC) Stormwater Subcommittee (SSC) met December 5, 2007, 10 am, at the Miami River Inn, 118 South River Drive, Miami, FL. The sign in sheet is enclosed. Per the request of SSC Chair Ms. Sallye Jude, the SSC continues inviting representatives from the City, County, South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD) and the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) to rotate in leading attendees through the meeting agenda. Ms. Ashley Chase, MRC Assistant Managing Director, noted it was Mr. Randall White’s, Miami-Dade Department of Environmental Resources Management (MD-DERM), turn to lead this month’s SSC meeting, and Mr. White kindly accepted.
C/O Robert King High • 1407 NW 7 Street, Suite D, Miami, FL 33125 • 305-644-0544 • Fax: 305-642-1136 • Contact us email |